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uprobes, kprobes SystemTap tracepoint

tracing user space programs

swiss army knife


when gdb is not enough?

Example program

#include <stdio.h>

int count = 0;

void f() {

int main() {
    for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) f();
    return count;

Counting events with gdb ...

[maciek@pc loop]$ gdb loop 
GNU gdb (GDB) Fedora 7.9.1-19.fc22
Reading symbols from loop...done.
(gdb) set $i=0
(gdb) b f
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40058a: file loop.c, line 10.
(gdb) comm
>set $i=$i+1
(gdb) b loop.c:11
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4005e9: file loop.c, line 11.
(gdb) comm
>print $i
(gdb) r
$1 = 10000
[Inferior 1 (process 4576) exited with code 020]

It works but ...

80us no debugger 3s gdb 560ms gdb tracepoint 12ms stap 5ms stap sdt

Why so slow?

Attach to process

Place a breakpoint

Breakpoint hit

Get registers

Remove breakpoint

Execute commands

Restore breakpoint

Overall cost

Any alternatives?

Adding tracing code



Counting events with stap ...

global i

probe process("loop").function("f") {i++}

probe process("loop").function("main").return {
  printf("%d vs %d\n", i, $return);
  delete i;
[maciek@pc loop]$ sudo stap loop.stp -c ./loop
10000 vs 10000

How does stap work?

stp script parsing

translate and compile

probe placement

connect STDOUT

probe point hit

Systemtap benefits


Measure execution time

response process_path_request(const request& req) {
    json j = json::parse(;

    auto arr = j["path"];
    if (!arr.is_array()) {
       return {400, "application/javascript", "{error:'invalid data'}"};

    std::vector<point> points;
    for (auto& el : arr) {
        if (!el.is_array() || el.size() != 2) {
          return {400, "application/javascript", "{error:'invalid data'}"};
        double lat = el[0], lon = el[1];
        points.emplace_back(spat2xy(lat, lon, ZOOM));

    std::ostringstream bytes;
    cairo_render_path(points, bytes);
    return {200, "image/png", bytes.str()};
matches specific line in code
time since last timestamp
global last_timestamp;

probe process("gis_server").function("process_path_request") {
    last_timestamp = gettimeofday_us();

probe process("gis_server").statement("*@gis_server.cpp:72") {
    d = gettimeofday_us() - last_timestamp;
    last_timestamp = gettimeofday_us();
    printf("1: %d\n", d);

probe process("gis_server").statement("*@gis_server.cpp:86") {
    d = gettimeofday_us() - last_timestamp;
    last_timestamp = gettimeofday_us();
    printf("2: %d\n", d);

probe process("gis_server").function("process_path_request").return {
    d = gettimeofday_us() - last_timestamp;
    last_timestamp = gettimeofday_us();
    printf("3: %d\n", d);
[maciek@pc exec_time_server]$ sudo stap time.stp -c ./gis_server  100
1: 390
2: 550
3: 31750

Result data (more samples)

Finding call time longer then usual ...

every function if source file
at least X samples
Y% above normal
global times
global mincount = 100      # training data for 100 samples
global note_percent = 250  # report above 250% change

function check(t) {
   if (@count(times[ppfunc()]) >= mincount &&
       t >= @max(times[ppfunc()]) * note_percent / 100)
     printf("function %s well over max time (%d vs %d)\n",
            ppfunc(), t, @max(times[ppfunc()]))

   times[ppfunc()] <<< t

probe process("gis_server").function("*@gis_server.cpp").return {
   check(gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us()))
[maciek@pc server]$ sudo stap fntimes.stp &
[maciek@pc server]$ for i in {1..110}; do ./gis_server $i; done
[maciek@pc server]$ ./gis_server 10000
function cairo_render_path well over max time (1162531 vs 49436)
function process_path_request well over max time (1277363 vs 51414)
function main well over max time (1359476 vs 52736)
[maciek@pc server]$

Tracing function calls

Call graph

matches all functions in process
change indent on entry to and on return from function
probe process("ls").function("*").call {
    printf("%s -> %s\n", thread_indent(1), probefunc())

probe process("ls").function("*").return {
    printf("%s <- %s\n", thread_indent(-1), probefunc())
[maciek@pc call_graph]$ sudo stap ls_call_graph.stp -c ls
     0 ls(2430): -> _start
    25 ls(2430):  -> __libc_csu_init
    31 ls(2430):   -> _init
    36 ls(2430):   <- __libc_csu_init
    40 ls(2430):   -> frame_dummy
    45 ls(2430):    -> register_tm_clones
    49 ls(2430):    <- __libc_csu_init
    52 ls(2430):   <- __libc_csu_init
    55 ls(2430):  <- 0x3073e2068f
    59 ls(2430):  -> main
    63 ls(2430):   -> set_program_name
    71 ls(2430):   <- main
    85 ls(2430):   -> atexit
    90 ls(2430):   <- main
   106 ls(2430):   -> human_options

Debugging state machine

int main() {
    ManProcessor c;

    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
class ManProcessor {
    std::unique_ptr<ManProcessorState> state;

    ManProcessor() : state(new IdleState()) {

    void process(const char* line) {
        state->process(*this, line);

    void setState(ManProcessorState* state) {
// ...

void ChapterState::process(ManProcessor& context, const char* line) {
    if (std::regex_match(line, std::regex("^[ \t]+[-].*")))
        context.setState(new OptionState());
    else if (std::regex_match(line, std::regex("^.+$")))
        context.setState(new ParagraphState());

// ...

Trace state changes

Function name from previous stack frame
probe process("man_state").function("ManProcessor::setState") {
    printf("| %s\n", usymname(ustack(1)));

Running the example ...

[maciek@pc state_machine]$ sudo -E stap state.stp  | c++filt &
[3] 31614
[maciek@pc state_machine]$ man ls | head -n 20 | ./man_state
| IdleState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ParagraphState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ParagraphState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ParagraphState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ParagraphState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| OptionState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)

Trace input data

captures functions matching pattern
user space function argument
probe process("man_state").function("*State::process") {
    printf(". %s\n", user_string($line));

Running the example ...

[maciek@pc state_machine]$ sudo -E stap state.stp  | c++filt &
[3] 31614
[maciek@pc state_machine]$ man ls | head -n 20 | ./man_state
. LS(1)
| IdleState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
.        ls - list directory contents
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ParagraphState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
| ChapterState::process(ManProcessor&, char const*)
.        ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...

Who is stealing my core?

global cores, core0, core1, core2, core3, names, tasks

probe timer.profile {
  tid = tid();
  tasks[tid] = execname();
  names[tid] = pid2execname(pid());

  if (cpu() == 0) core0[tid]++;
  if (cpu() == 1) core1[tid]++;
  if (cpu() == 2) core2[tid]++;
  if (cpu() == 3) core3[tid]++;
probe end {
  printf("\n %5s %20s %20s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", "TID", "process",
         "task", "core0", "core1", "core2", "core3")

  foreach(t in names) {
    sum = cores[t]
    printf(" %5d %20s %20s, %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", t, names[t], tasks[t],
      percent(core0[t], sum), percent(core1[t], sum),
      percent(core2[t], sum), percent(core3[t], sum)

[maciek@pc cpu_core_usage]$ sudo stap proc_cpu4_thread.stp 
   TID       process             task   core0    core1    core2    core3
     0                      swapper/1,  41.34%   12.61%     5.5%   40.98%
 31610        stapio           stapio,  100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
    73       kswapd0          kswapd0,    0.0%     0.0%   100.0%     0.0%
 26953        stapio           stapio,    0.0%     0.0%   100.0%     0.0%
  2973          Xorg             Xorg,    0.0%   83.33%   16.66%     0.0%
 18766   gnome-shell      gnome-shell,    0.0%     0.0%    6.55%   93.44%
 18871   gnome-shell            gdbus,    0.0%   100.0%     0.0%     0.0%
 17630       firefox       DOM Worker,  28.57%     0.0%   71.42%     0.0%
 17605       firefox        JS Helper,  100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
  4305      ruby-mri     utils.rb:162,  100.0%     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%
    15   ksoftirqd/1      ksoftirqd/1,    0.0%   100.0%     0.0%     0.0%
 17640       firefox       DOM Worker,    0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   100.0%
     7     rcu_sched        rcu_sched,    0.0%    50.0%     0.0%    50.0%
 24063 kworker/u16:0    kworker/u16:0,    0.0%   33.33%   66.66%     0.0%
     9       rcuos/0          rcuos/0,    0.0%     0.0%   100.0%     0.0%
     1       systemd          systemd,    0.0%     0.0%   100.0%     0.0%
   751 systemd-login  systemd-logind,     0.0%     0.0%     0.0%   100.0%
 23764   kworker/2:3      kworker/2:3,    0.0%     0.0%   100.0%     0.0%
   757    irqbalance       irqbalance,    0.0%     0.0%   100.0%     0.0%

Debug locks contention

probe process("/usr/lib64/").function("pthread_mutex_init").return {
    uaddr = &$mutex->__data->__lock
    lock_names[uaddr] = usymfileline(ustack(1));

probe syscall.futex.return {
  if (target() != pid()) next;
  elapsed = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us())
  lock_waits[$uaddr]  <<< elapsed

probe end {
  foreach (lock in lock_names) {
    printf ("%s[%x] lock contended %d times, %d avg us\n",
            lock_names[lock], lock, @count(lock_waits[lock]),

[maciek@pc futex2]$ sudo stap -v futex.stp -d ./test1 -c ./test1
test1.cpp:8[6124c0] lock contended 95 times, 37467 avg us
 value |-------------------------------------------------- count
   256 |                                                    0
   512 |@                                                   1
  1024 |                                                    0
  2048 |@@                                                  2
  4096 |@@@@@@@                                             7
  8192 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                     14
 16384 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                   32
 32768 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                    15
 65536 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                           24
131072 |                                                    0

net_socket.cpp:4[7ffff0014aa0] lock contended 4 times, 1512 avg us
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
  256 |                                                   0
  512 |@@                                                 2
 1024 |@                                                  1
 2048 |@                                                  1
 4096 |                                                   0

voice_manager.cpp:4[7ffff0014ad0] lock contended 93 times, 56146 avg us

Probes handlers in C

Guru mode

function test:long(addr:long) %{
  char buffer[100];
  long a = strncpy_from_user(buffer, (char*)STAP_ARG_addr, 100);
  char *substr = strnstr(buffer, "stap sucks", 100);
  if (substr != NULL) {
    long b = copy_to_user(
       ((char*)STAP_ARG_addr)+(substr+5-&buffer[0]),"rocks", 5);

probe syscall.write {
  if (isinstr(user_string($buf), "stap sucks")) {
[maciek@pc sys_write]$ echo "I think that stap sucks"
I think that stap rocks
[maciek@pc sys_write]$ history | tail -2
 1123  echo "I think that stap rocks"
 1124  history | tail -2
[maciek@pc sys_write]$ vim tmp
stap sucks
[maciek@pc sys_write]$ cat tmp
stap rocks

Thank you

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